How Your Company Can Use Custom Branded Apparel for Team Building

Every company needs a sense of unity and camaraderie among its employees. If you’re all just a group of individuals working independently, it’s hard to create a sense of teamwork and drive towards a common goal. Team building activities like retreats and group exercises can certainly help, but there’s another powerful tool that is often overlooked – custom branded apparel.

Yes, a humble company hat can go a long way in building team spirit! There’s an added bonus too – custom apparel with your company’s logo and branding can also serve as a marketing tool, promoting your brand to the outside world. In this article, we’ll discuss how you can use custom branded apparel for team building and brand promotion. We’ll also give you some ideas on different types of custom apparel that you can create for your team.

Custom Branded Apparel - Golf Polo Shirt

Why Custom Business Apparel is Great for Team Building

Custom branded apparel has the power to bring people together in a subtle yet effective way.  Here are some of the unexpected benefits of creating your own company apparel for your team:

Visual Unity and Identity

Custom business apparel featuring a company’s logo or colors makes for a strong visual symbol that unites team members. Having a consistent visual identity can even reinforce the feeling of being part of a team. This is especially effective in large organizations where employees may feel disconnected from one another.

Breaking Down Barriers

Uniforms create a level playing field among all employees, from executives to new hires. In the same way, even small items of custom business apparel like company hats can reduce perceived hierarchies within the company. It says “We’re all part of the same team” and encourages more open communication and collaboration across different levels of the organization.

Team Pride

Greater Company Pride

When employees wear apparel that shows the company brand, it can encourage a sense of pride and loyalty. When employee retention is a struggle, every little bit helps in creating a more positive and welcoming company culture. These small details can be motivating for employees, making them feel like they’re an important part of the company’s success. In turn, they’ll be more invested in contributing toward your company’s goals.

Effective Tool for Special Events

For team-building events, conferences, or corporate outings, custom business apparel is an excellent way to make everyone feel included. Team members can proudly wear their company apparel, which not only strengthens the team spirit but also promotes a sense of belonging to the company. It creates a unified front and allows employees to represent their company in a positive way.

Visual Marketing Tool

Besides the team building aspects, there’s an extra (and quite powerful) benefit to custom company apparel: free marketing! Whenever employees wear their company apparel outside work, they are promoting the brand identity and reaching potential customers. This is especially effective if the apparel has a catchy slogan or eye-catching design that will make people curious about the company. And if your employees are willing to wear their work apparel out and about, it gives a positive impression to potential customers about the company culture and team spirit.

Using Custom Branded Apparel for Team Building

So how can you use custom branded apparel for team building? Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Company swag. Provide employees with various custom apparel items such as t-shirts, hats, jackets, or even socks with your logo and company branding. This will create a sense of camaraderie and unity among employees.
  • Team events. Custom company apparel can also be used for team events such as retreats, outings, or volunteer work. Having employees wear matching clothing can help create a sense of belonging and teamwork during these activities.
  • Remote employees. Now that so many companies have gone remote-first, it’s important to find ways to keep employees connected. Custom apparel can be a great way to do this! Even when your staff are far apart, they’ll have something tangible to make them feel like they’re part of a team.
  • Employee of the month. Another fun way to use custom company apparel is by creating an “Employee of the Month” program where the chosen employee receives a special piece of clothing with their name and title on it. This can be a great way to recognize and reward hardworking employees while also promoting team building.
  • Incentives for collaboration. Use custom apparel as an incentive for employees to collaborate and work together on projects. For example, if a certain goal is met or a project is completed successfully, everyone involved can receive a custom piece of clothing to commemorate their teamwork and achievement.
  • Gifts for clients or partners. You can also give custom business apparel as gifts to clients or partners. This not only helps promote your brand, but it can also strengthen relationships and show appreciation for their support and collaboration.
  • Fundraising and charity events. Using custom apparel for fundraising or charity events is a great way to not only raise awareness, but also provide a tangible item for participants to remember the event by. This can help create a sense of community and support for a good cause.

Ideas for Custom Company Apparel

Custom t-shirts and polos are usually the go-to options for company apparel, but there are so many other creative ways to use custom clothing to boost employee morale and team spirit. If you want to try something a bit different, here are some outside-the-box ideas to spark your imagination:

Custom Caps

Custom Caps

Baseball caps are a fashion staple, and they’re always going to be ever-green in terms of popularity. Custom hats and caps can be a great addition to your company’s apparel lineup, especially if you have employees who work outdoors or under the sun. Not only will it protect them from the elements, but it will also promote your brand identity wherever they go. They’re perfect if you want to create logo clothing – you can get them embroidered with your company design, attach a patch or print a pattern all over with your logo and slogan.

You can customize and design your own cap in more ways than you think. This includes the profile, the material, the color, and even the back closure. You can also choose between structured or unstructured caps depending on the look you’re going for.

Custom Beanies

Custom Beanies

Beanies, the headgear of choice for the colder months, are a great way to keep your employees warm and cozy while staying on brand. They’re perfect for those who work in chilly offices or outdoors, making them practical and stylish at the same time. You can choose between knitted or fleece beanies and customize them with your logo or employee names for that personal touch. They also make for great holiday gifts that your employees can wear year after year.

Custom hats and beanies are also highly customisable. Create a knitted pattern that includes your company colors or go for a classic embroidered logo. You can even add pom-poms, patches, or puff embroidering to make them more on-brand. Just go wild!

Custom Branded Socks

Custom Socks

The wildcard of custom corporate apparel, socks are a fun and unexpected way to showcase your brand. They can be worn with any outfit and are perfect for adding personality to a corporate look. You can choose from a variety of lengths, materials, and custom designs to create eye-catching custom socks for your company. And if you really want to get creative, you can even offer themed socks for different occasions or events. Nobody expects company socks, which makes them all the more fun!

Partner with a Custom Manufacturer Like… The/Studio!

To get the best custom beanies and socks, you’ll need a dependable manufacturing partner. Custom manufacturing is incredibly easy to access now, compared to the past. Here at The/Studio, we give you total control over the design process. You can select everything from materials and colors to patterns and business branding. And you can order everything online using our easy-peasy ordering system.

So if you’re ready to give your employees something to be proud of, simply create an account with The/Studio and start designing your custom beanies and socks today!


What is branding apparel?

Branded apparel refers to personalized clothing or accessories that feature a company’s logo, name, or other branding elements. It is often used as a marketing and promotional tool for businesses. Branded apparel is also a great way to boost company spirit and team morale.

Why do companies wear branded clothes?

Companies wear branded clothes for a variety of reasons. Some may use it as a form of advertising and marketing, while others see it as a way to create a sense of unity and pride among employees. Branded clothing can also be seen as a visual representation of a company’s brand identity.




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